For whatever reason, we’re always busy with a jam-packed schedule. We don’t know how we end up scheduling so many things in our calendar but we do and our good friends are the same way. I suppose birds of a feather flock together, like when us girls dressed as flamingos for a Miami Vice theme for Bay to Breakers. We love Bay to Breakers, and participate almost every year since being together.

To stay focused and energized at work, we workout regularly about 4 times a week for at least half an hour each time. If we take a break from working out, the following two week’s workouts seem so much harder. It’s difficult to get back into it so try really hard to stick to it.

So where do we expend all this energy we generate? We eat out at restaurants more than we should, take a full day to cook a bunch of dishes, go see live shows and concerts, visit museums, play tourist around our home, in the Bay Area, shop for shoes and fruits and veggies at farmer’s markets, travel, attend festivals, symphonies, and just about anything entertaining. We’re always looking for new things to try and do.

In fact, I after running a half marathon in Sacramento and having to rest my legs on the couch, I started this blog because I have to be productive while watching tv and I decided to answer some questions for my friends.