Goodbye Lil’ Old Kitchen
This little old kitchen and I have had a good run together. It has been 5 years and 2 months since we moved into our house and when we moved in, we vowed to remodel the kitchen one day. That day is here and this past Monday night, we packed up all our kitchenware, dishes, glasses and food for the big remodel.
Now as I look at all these boxes of dishes, spatulas of all sizes, colors and shapes, pots and pans packed up in boxes tucked away under the dining table, I can’t believe I once fit all this shit in such a small kitchen. I do pat myself on the back for having been able to throw so many dinner parties and get-togethers with such little room. “On your left…on your right…don’t step back.” Luckily, I’m mini sized because I could sneak under Steve’s arms without ducking or spilling a hot pot of water.
It was actually pretty nice to pack up all our stuff the other night. I found all kinds of goodies I didn’t I realize I had. But really, who needs a cookie press, still in the box mind you, and three different sized rolling pins? I don’t even bake rolled out cookies or pastries! The rolling pins were all in their original packaging! Best of all, we found three rice scoopers hidden behind some drawers. Apparently, over stuffing our drawers sent some shit falling out the backside. We were very excited to find these lost treasures. Various rice scoopers is a necessity for an Asian household.
Of course, many items in our kitchen have their own intrinsic value. Memories abound when you like to entertain so much. I pulled out a large cutting board that we use just once or twice a year for Thanksgiving and Christmas and memories of the gifter came flooding back. Our friend and past co-worker, Naran, gave us the cutting board as an Engagement/Housewarming gift. Naran said to make sure we use it at every family holiday gathering and to think of her when we put it to use. She was terminally ill and knew that her day would come and it did. It’s been a few years since she has passed and once a year at least, we do enjoy a meal with that cutting board.
I really am extremely excited for the new kitchen but I’m also nervous about seeing gaping holes and leaking pipes under all the sheetrock. Excited and nervous is my typical demeanor so I just have to remind myself Steve’s parents are flying into town to help us install the cabinets and there’s no way this remodel will fail. Big Steve used to be a cabinet maker so this kitchen should be a snap. We’re very thankful for all our friends and family who have helped us with the remodel and who will be over this weekend to do all the things we need to get the kitchen in order.
Stay tuned for updates of the Aber-Louie kitchen transformation. And I’m sure there will be a party of some sort to celebrate once it’s completed.